Wednesday, November 14, 2012

What the Word Says Wednesday: That 3 Letter Word

Hey guys! We are half way through the week and just a little over a week away from Thanksgiving! Can you believe it? Where has the year gone? Anyway, today I want to share some thoughts I have been having about a little three letter word that has huge implications--SIN.

One night at a Bible study I was attending we started talking about sin. As I was thinking about our discussion after I left, I realized how skewed my idea of sin is. Often in my thinking, I base how bad a sin is based on its consequences. If I get caught speeding, I get a ticket, if I get convicted of murder, I get jail time or sometimes death and so on. But then the truth hit me, sin is sin, no matter how big or small the sin is, it is all exactly the same to Jesus.

I had to do a self check that night as I was driving home. There are times where in my mind I am so quick to judge a person because they have or are committing a sin that is blatantly laid out as sin in the Bible. But as I was pondering this in my car, I was driving over the speed limit; breaking the law, a sin. Pretty sure in the past few days I had wanted something that someone else had. Also a sin. I could go on. Maybe my sin isn't evident for all to see or maybe I think it is just a "small" sin, but Jesus sees it.

 Friends, this Thanksgiving we all have something to be very thankful for. No matter what sin we have committed/are committing, when we ask for forgiveness, Jesus wipes all our sins away. Not only that, he doesn't keep record of them! Hebrews 8:12 says "For I will forgive their wickedness, and will remember their sins no more." Psalm 103:12 says "As far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us." What a great feeling to know that God isn't sitting in heaven with His book of "Lexi's Sins" or "{insert your name here}'s Sins." My sins have been removed! No matter how much Satan tries to bring up those past sins, we can take comfort in knowing the TRUTH. Jesus has removed those sins!


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